I am in the Land of the Rising Sun. Yes, Japan is my current abode and all the foibles and delights of this place are mine to experience, in between attempting to teach a bunch of High School students how to pronounce "dog." There is so much to do, and so little time, that I rather think that I will be rushed off my feet.

So far it's been fun - don't let my griping fool you. I'm having a great time, so much so that I'm staying for a second year. The Great Panjandram also known as my father is not pleased - he worries. I don't. We're not meeting somewhere...

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Littlesaru got online. Sort of. Except that she can't access anything much. So this is me updating you about the various pieces of wisdom that float across the blank canvas otherwise known as my brain. Heh.  

Sunday, January 08, 2017 :::
... and OMG it's been a very long while, with no guarantees that it won't be just as long a while again.

Life became stressful and lacking in time and then energy. Also in 2012/2013 may have had a small emotional breakdown diagnosed as "exhaustion caused by overwork and stress" which sort of explains my complete lack of time for fandom or online friendships (or any friendships actually - I'm lucky that people have been patient with me...). I chose a stressful profession and then had a stressful boss (with passive aggressive tendencies) and had to move jobs. Still stressed but less so now than before (although have moved from one stressful boss to another... such is life).

One more set of exams (yes, I'm already qualified but this is an additional set of exams for an additional qualification. That my workplace requested of me and which I (foolishly) agreed to without any qualifications or requests) and then I'm done with putting myself through that stress at least!

On more positive news, have acquired a flat! Downside - mortgage. I have a near-phobia of debt, it really stresses me out. But this seems manageable for the time being so I will live with it for now.

Have lost the website but that does not surprise me - I wasn't maintaining it properly from 2004 onwards and didn't look in at all for a very long time. However, new job is nearer to home which means more time at home after shorter commute which means perhaps finishing at least one story... no promises to anyone, least of all myself, but it would be good to complete something.

Love to the ether and all in it. 

::: posted by Saru at 2:14 pm

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