I am in the Land of the Rising Sun. Yes, Japan is my current abode and all the foibles and delights of this place are mine to experience, in between attempting to teach a bunch of High School students how to pronounce "dog." There is so much to do, and so little time, that I rather think that I will be rushed off my feet.

So far it's been fun - don't let my griping fool you. I'm having a great time, so much so that I'm staying for a second year. The Great Panjandram also known as my father is not pleased - he worries. I don't. We're not meeting somewhere...

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Littlesaru got online. Sort of. Except that she can't access anything much. So this is me updating you about the various pieces of wisdom that float across the blank canvas otherwise known as my brain. Heh.  

Friday, December 12, 2003 :::
Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!. I uploaded a ton of stuff to this about a month ago and absolutely nothing has come up. I want access to this blasted thing while at school - I hardly ever get to the Internet cafe in time to write anything coherent.

Anyway, returning to England for Christmas, am scurrying around like a mad rabbit trying to clean the house, get the laundry done, wrap the presents, write the speech... Yes, I'm doing a presentation in January. They want the outline by Tuesday next week. They tell me this a fortnight before said deadline when they know I have my Japanese Proficiency test and am going to the handicapped school again during said fortnight. Why did I agree to this?

On a positive note, I have now managed to upload half (why, oh why does the digital world do this to me?) of the next chapter of Shattered Heart. The end is missing. Don't ask me how that happened. On the disk it's all whole. Blergh.

Oh, and Christmas part tomorrow for which I have nothing to wear. Nor the Secret Santa present required. Why me? What happened to the time I was hoping for when the exam was over?


Anyway, am actually feeling very cheerful and accomplished despite time difficulties. I have finished three loads of laundry, scrubbed down the kitchen and the bathroom twice (once with bleach and once with ordinary cleaner) and it all smells lovely and clean. The trouble with my place is that it's so old and grotty that, even if it is clean, it never looks it. So four hours of work and I just get a nice smell. Oh well. At least I know it's been cleaned.

Got to run and sort out more stuff before collapsing in bed.

::: posted by Saru at 2:46 am

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