I am in the Land of the Rising Sun. Yes, Japan is my current abode and all the foibles and delights of this place are mine to experience, in between attempting to teach a bunch of High School students how to pronounce "dog." There is so much to do, and so little time, that I rather think that I will be rushed off my feet.

So far it's been fun - don't let my griping fool you. I'm having a great time, so much so that I'm staying for a second year. The Great Panjandram also known as my father is not pleased - he worries. I don't. We're not meeting somewhere...

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Littlesaru got online. Sort of. Except that she can't access anything much. So this is me updating you about the various pieces of wisdom that float across the blank canvas otherwise known as my brain. Heh.  

Wednesday, May 14, 2003 :::
Let's try this again. The first message was lost in the wonder that is either; a) blogger or b) my school network. I am left guessing which.

Much fun and frolicking was not had today. Why am I not surprised? Although it all started rather well... considering I was late for work. Charging my car along the roads at the dizzying speed of 30 kilometres per hour, I was muttering to myself about being late. It didn't help that the car ahead of me was slowing down unpredictably along an empty road. A road whose speed limit is 40 kph. Obviously there had to be a reason for this bizarre behaviour, since not even Japanese drivers are that bad. So I looked more closely.

There was a ball of long, pale hair on the back shelf of the car that abruptly moved and resolved itself into the shape of a toy dog, possibly a Pekinese. I couldn't see the face so I couldn't tell. Disregarding this living car ornament, I looked closer, only to see a dog of the same breed, with the same topnot, driving the car. It had a pair of hands and what looked suspiciously like a woman's head peeking above it, but it was definitely the one driving the car. It even had its paws on the wheel. A third dog sat in the passenger seat, peering through the windscreen, no doubt giving directions. That would explain the hesitant driving then.

As to my current irritation; I have just been told that I will be working in a school for handicapped children sometime in July. For a few days, nothing permanent. I have also been informed by my supervisor that the Vice-Principal agrees to this. Well, that's all well and good for him, but when was I ever asked about this? Or even informed that such an idea was being bandied about? It's been in the works for quite a while, considering the arrangements have all been made, right up to my bloody itinerary. How lovely. Of course, I don't know the details, but they do. I don't even know how handicapped these children are, which more than concerns me. Considering that the few instances I have interacted with handicapped people have been unmitigated disasters, leaving both me and them upset and depressed, I really rather think this is an important factor. And I know it might sound selfish, but I have very little ability to deal with either physical or mental disability - I've never experienced it first-hand, never had a relative or friend with any sort of condition more serious than dyslexia and I am not happy about the whole affair. In fact, I am annoyed and worried in equal measure and I want to have words with my supervisor. Unfortunately that is not how Japan works. So instead I will grit my teeth and endure and probably become very upset about it all. I don't cope with that sort of thing well. Some do. I'm not one of them.

And I've just spent the afternoon shouting my voice hoarse, trying to get some reaction out of students who really couldn't be bothered. And some who are evidently about as cooperative as a sea slug.

Do I sound annoyed?


I am loving it here really. Today was just... a bad day.

::: posted by Saru at 11:22 pm

Ooooh! It worked. Maybe tomorrow I can figure out how to make my own layout. Should I not screw up then everyone will be able to view my small artistic ability. Possibly.

::: posted by Saru at 12:45 am

Uhmm... Oh dear. I just took the advice of one Joules. I really should learn to say no.

This is a test. Lets see if it works. At least I will have some sort of interaction on a web-level with people I cannot otherwide get in touch with. Assuming this works...

Heh. I really should be doing work. Oh well.

::: posted by Saru at 12:42 am

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